2.9 How to do the t-test

We have two groups and we want to figure out the likelihood of H0 being correct. Are these two groups identical?

1. Calculate the difference in the means

We use eqn 2.1 to calculate μm and μw and subtract, getting Δμ=μmμ2.

2. Calculate the estimated variance of this difference

We use eqn. 2.11 to do get Var(Δμ).

3. Form t


3. Calculate likelihood

The number of degrees of freedom ν, is one less than the total number of data points, that is it equals nm+nw1. With that and t, we feed it into a program, or use a table to calculate the area under the curve as pictured in fig. 2.7.

4. Verdict

If this area is less than our cutoff for significance, say p0=.05 we reject H0 and say the difference is statistically significant. Otherwise, we can’t reject H0.