1.5.5 Problems

1. You’re playing a game where in one trial you toss two dice, and if the total is 2 (a 1 and a 1), you get paid $30, if you loose, you have to pay $1. You repeat this trial 36 times. On average, how much to expect to make or loose?

2. A game consists of 10 trials. In each trial you flip a coin. If it lands tails you get nothing, if it lands heads you get $1. On average what do you expect to make or lose?

3. In fig. 1.3.9 we plotted the probability of getting x heads when tossing a coin 10 times. Using eqn. 1.17 calculate the average number of heads you expect to toss. Hint: The average is like calculating a center of mass, and the distribution is symmetric, but about what point?

4. Explain how the results of the last two problems are related.

5. What is the average (approximately) of the distribution in fig. 1.4? Hint: be extremely lazy.